Kalinina Nataliya


Nataliya graduated from the Mikhail Semyonovich Shchepkin Higher Theatre School (course of O.N. Solomina and Y.M. Solomin). She is in the Maly Theatre’s company since September 2011.

Roles in the Maly Theatre:

2011 - Lusya, «The Last Term» by Valentin Rasputin, directed by Olga Solomina

2013 - Guest at the ball, «The Cherry Orchard» by Anton Chekhov, directed by Igor Iliyinskiy

2015 - Olga Dmitrievna, «The Heart is not a Stone» by Alexander Ostrovsky, directed by Vladimir Dragunov

2018 - Tkachikha (Weaver), middle sister, «The Tale of Tsar Saltan» by Alexander Pushkin, directed by Vitaliy Ivanov

2019 - Adelaide, «The Gamblers» by Nikolai Gogol, directed by Vladimir Dragunov

Nataliya graduated from the Mikhail Semyonovich Shchepkin Higher Theatre School (course of O.N. Solomina and Y.M. Solomin). She is in the Maly Theatre’s company since September 2011.

Roles in the Maly Theatre:

2011 - Lusya, «The Last Term» by Valentin Rasputin, directed by Olga Solomina

2013 - Guest at the ball, «The Cherry Orchard» by Anton Chekhov, directed by Igor Iliyinskiy

2015 - Olga Dmitrievna, «The Heart is not a Stone» by Alexander Ostrovsky, directed by Vladimir Dragunov

2018 - Tkachikha (Weaver), middle sister, «The Tale of Tsar Saltan» by Alexander Pushkin, directed by Vitaliy Ivanov

2019 - Adelaide, «The Gamblers» by Nikolai Gogol, directed by Vladimir Dragunov



​Dear friends, We would like to share with you the recording of the radio program that aired on "Echo of Moscow" with the artists of the Maly Theatre Nataliya Kalinina and Stanislav Soshnikov, dedicated to the premiere of "The Tale of Tsar Saltan". Radio program hosted by Lev Gulko.

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