A comedy written by Italian actor, playwright and director Eduardo De Filippo and produced by his compatriot, director at Piccolo Teatro di Milano and student of the great Giorgio Strehler, Stefano de Luca.
The main roles are played by Irina Muravyeva as Filumena and Yuri Solomin as Domenico.
De Filippo’s finest comedy-drama tells a story about family, love and age, few of the most beloved and ever-lasting subjects of artists and poets throughout the years. The main characters – Domenico Soriano and Filumena Marturano have been living together for their whole life, that is, twenty-five years. Filumena forgives her beloved, a selfish and aged gigolo, all infidelities, waiting patiently for a proposal. Time passes by and Domenico finally decides that he is ready for marriage, but he proposes to his young lover. After so many years Filumena isn't ready to give up, especially since she keeps a secret that can make him change his mind…
The play is accompanied by songs «Lu cardillo» and «Indifferentemente» performed by Sergio Bruni.
Performance Director — Stefano De Luca (Italy)
Scenography – Leila Fteita (Italy)
Lighting Designer – Claudio de Pace (Italy)
Assistant Director – Zinaida Andreeva
2nd Assistant Director – Vladimir Egorov
Premiere – October 16th, 2013
Running Time: 2h45
Ticket Prices: 300 - 4500 rubles
Suitable for 12+yrs
A lyrical comedy in three acts
The performance runs with one intermission
Translated by A. Gusev
Roles and actors:
Filumena Marturano Laureate of USSR State Prizes and Russian Federation Government Awards, народная артистка России Irina Muravyova
Domenico Soriani Laureate of the State prizes of the Russian Federation, народный артист СССР Yuri Solomin
Alfredo Amoroso народный артист России Sergey Eremeev
Rosalia Solimene Larisa Kichanova
Diana Valeriya Knyazeva
Lucia, Maid Mariya Seryogina
Umberto Sergey Potapov
Riccardo Konstantin Yudaev
Michele Maksim Khrustalyov
Nocella, Attorney Recipient of the Prize of the Russian Federation Government, народный артист России Alexander Ermakov народный артист России Valeriy Babyatinskiy
Teresina, Seamstress Klavdiya Moiseeva
First Servant Viktor Andrianov
Second Servant Ivan Porodnov
A comedy written by Italian actor, playwright and director Eduardo De Filippo and produced by his compatriot, director at Piccolo Teatro di Milano and student of the great Giorgio Strehler, Stefano de Luca.
The main roles are played by Irina Muravyeva as Filumena and Yuri Solomin as Domenico.
De Filippo’s finest comedy-drama tells a story about family, love and age, few of the most beloved and ever-lasting subjects of artists and poets throughout the years. The main characters – Domenico Soriano and Filumena Marturano have been living together for their whole life, that is, twenty-five years. Filumena forgives her beloved, a selfish and aged gigolo, all infidelities, waiting patiently for a proposal. Time passes by and Domenico finally decides that he is ready for marriage, but he proposes to his young lover. After so many years Filumena isn't ready to give up, especially since she keeps a secret that can make him change his mind…
The play is accompanied by songs «Lu cardillo» and «Indifferentemente» performed by Sergio Bruni.
Performance Director — Stefano De Luca (Italy)
Scenography – Leila Fteita (Italy)
Lighting Designer – Claudio de Pace (Italy)
Assistant Director – Zinaida Andreeva
2nd Assistant Director – Vladimir Egorov
Premiere – October 16th, 2013
Running Time: 2h45
Ticket Prices: 300 - 4500 rubles
Suitable for 12+yrs
Roles and actors
Filumena Marturano Laureate of USSR State Prizes and Russian Federation Government Awards, народная артистка России Irina Muravyova
Domenico Soriani Laureate of the State prizes of the Russian Federation, народный артист СССР Yuri Solomin
Alfredo Amoroso народный артист России Sergey Eremeev
Rosalia Solimene Larisa Kichanova
Diana Valeriya Knyazeva
Lucia, Maid Mariya Seryogina
Umberto Sergey Potapov
Riccardo Konstantin Yudaev
Michele Maksim Khrustalyov
Nocella, Attorney Recipient of the Prize of the Russian Federation Government, народный артист России Alexander Ermakov народный артист России Valeriy Babyatinskiy
Teresina, Seamstress Klavdiya Moiseeva
First Servant Viktor Andrianov
Second Servant Ivan Porodnov